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Company name: JALIOS
Address: 58 Rue Pottier 78150- LE CHESNAY
Country: FRANCE
Exhibitor classification: Technological solution provider
Scope of activity:
  • Digital

Description: Depuis bientôt 20 ans, Jalios accompagne ses clients dans leur transformation digitale, en proposant une solution de Digital Workplace personnalisable et évolutive pour répondre à leurs enjeux de communication, collaboration, efficacité et gestion des connaissances. Sa solution JPlatform s’adapte et s’intègre parfaitement au système d’information pour venir en faciliter, fluidifier et enrichir les usages, selon leur stratégie de transformation.
For nearly 20 years, Jalios has been helping its customers with their digital transformation, offering a customizable and scalable Digital Workplace solution to meet their communication, collaboration, efficiency and knowledge management challenges. Its JPlatform solution adapts and integrates perfectly with the information system to facilitate, streamline and enrich its uses, according to their transformation strategy.
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